Ok, I have entirely too much time on my hands right now, which feels so weird. Even with the traveling this summer, I didn't get in much pleasure reading, unless you count guide books. And school from the last 2 years ate up any reading time so the last time I've had some good time for reading was Guam. So, instead of looking for a job, I've been voraciously reading my eyes out. Actually, I'm passively looking, as Ryan says. The latest on the job search is there are not any dietitian or health educator jobs here. Actually, that's not exactly true. I have been phone interviewed for a per
diem job which is filling in for
RDs on vacations, weekends, holidays with no guarantee of hours or benefits. Not exactly a dream job. So either there just aren't many dietitian or health educator jobs or I'm just not looking in the right places, surprising for such a health-conscious community. Thus, I have concluded that the universe is trying to tell me to seek out another field! So I'm debating about many things including traveling, Starbucks, or a career in books. (Is anyone reading this?). If so, what should I do??!!
On to books, I've read some great ones that I want to pass along.
Middlesex by
Geffrey Eugenides (?
sp) is a perfect novel and oh so engrossing. In recommending this, the subject matter is
hermaphroditism which might not sound too appealing but trust me, do not be judgmental about this one, you will not be offended.
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert made me so jealous as that's what I want to do with my life: well, the eat in Italy part and travel, anyway. But this book also is about finding God and oh so funny along the way. Also
Heat by Bill Buford follows a former New Yorker editor as a slave in Mario
Batali's kitchen and through Italy learning to make pasta, etc. This book has inspired me to visit
Salumi, Mario
Batali's father's restaurant in downtown Seattle.
I'm super excited that
Love in the time of Cholera will be a movie soon. And Seattle has a Half Price bookstore so I'm headed there for a copy to read before the movie. I have to join a book club, I'm obsessed! Anybody have any book recommendations?