Friday, July 27, 2007

Covered wagons

Here's a picture of our friends Shawn (R's best man) and Jessie in Loup City, NE on the farm Jessie grew up on. Aren't those signs classic?

Anyway, driving through Western Nebraska was pretty even in its' desolation. Drove through a number of towns with populations of only 200 or 300! And I thought Columbus was small...but Wyoming is even more sparsely populated: the town of Lost Springs only has 1 and another town had 10. And of course, no cell phone service. Many sections felt as if we were on another planet! But back to Nebraska.... Wide open spaces, sand hills, corn taller than us, and rolling hills, much prettier than the landscape in Omaha. I have to say I still think the nicest people I've ever met are from Nebraska.

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