Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Granola (crunchy) or yuppie?

I'm having an identity crisis. Yes, I chose Seattle as it fits in line with my organic, natural, healthy lifestyle as well as my political and spiritual beliefs (I'm not going into religious beliefs in this post). I am most definitely a Democrat, although there are more independent and alternative types here. I don't have any piercings or tattoos and am not a vegetarian or vegan (although I do make vegetarian choices at home and in restaurants more frequently than meat). I frequent farmers' markets and am a big fan of buying local to protect the environment. I recycle like a fiend (although the City of Seattle makes you, the recycling bin is double the size of the trash can). Does this make me granola? Here's some more evidence: I've started acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs again, I've just joined a yoga studio, and I will be using public transportation to get to work. But I was just told I'm living in a yuppie neighborhood by a source that I trust! Can I be both? And why this box/category anyway?? And to further complicate or add yet another label to this mix, there's the category of DINKs (double income no kids)--but I'm not working yet, not until Monday. Or my new favorite: DINKYs (double income no kids yet). So can I be all of these (starting Mon. anyway)?? Help! I've already consulted Wikipedia and was unable to clarify this....

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