Monday, October 8, 2007

Still no heat (but there is red wine)

And it does wonders for keeping warm!! Unlike the rest of the US, it is cold in Seattle. Well, cold for me, at least. Most days are in the 50s-60s sometimes rainy. When it's not rainy, everyone takes full advantage of being outside. I'm not getting nearly enough unpacking/organizing done due to this fact. Walks around the lake have become my sanity! Our furnace won't be replaced for another 10 days so we've managed to lose electricity twice from the space heater which requires a trip to the scary basement to flip the circuit breaker. Ok, so Ryan did it once and then he dragged me into the scary basement to show me what to do. Doesn't he realize I could suffer from post-traumatic stress??!!

The house is slowly coming together. We rearranged our living room furniture a few times and Ryan has still managed to keep the awful reclincer. But if I get my way eventually it will be in the trash along with our overstuffed couch that takes up far too much of our precious living room space. I've already made a trip to the thrift store, so far 4 boxes and counting of stuff I don't need. I've realized I have enough kitchenware, pictures, and "trinkets" as Ryan calls it to last the rest of my life. And bathroom stuff. There is no place to put all of this stuff!! I don't need to ever buy anything again!!! Simplicity is fast becoming my mantra....

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