Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

Any chance you believe I've decided to take up Chinese instead of Spanish? No, okay then, I'll just wish you "best wishes and have a prosperous and happy new year!"

It's the year of the rat and they celebrate it with a force here. I bought moon pies from a Chinese bakery in the International District (more than just Chinatown with its' Vietnamese influence and I'm sure many other cultures I'm not yet aware of) today. One made with red bean and the other with lotus. They are tiny but so heavy, let you know the verdict....


nutmeg76 said...

Not a big fan of moon pies, last year had a little chinese girl in class that came to school dressed in her traditional clothes for the new year. That was okay, she looked adorable and the kid liked learning about her special holiday. Her mom also sent moon pies for everyone for snack. After the first bite, kids started spitting moon pies all over the place table, chairs, down their shirts. Moral of this story never give 4yr olds moon pies, unless your in china.

Cara said...

Meghan, funny story! Yeah, neither Ryan nor I liked the moon pies either. The red bean was better than the lotus cake but not by much. Think I'll skip that tradition next year!! On a side note, I've tried emailing you and my message comes back, will you email me again to see if I have your right address? Want to tell you a bit about the Bahamas!